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..................................................--- Motor Part I ---


Had a good day (October 2005) today on the Lakester. Cranked up the stock Saturn for the first time. It fired right up once I got the wiring sorted out and it sounded great.Once it was warm I shut it down and took a compression check. It ran 205 psi -220psi. Big smile. I'm going to clean up the loom and see how much I can get rid of before I start on adapting the Mazda transmission.

The car has been coming along slowly. The third pedal is mounted and the two front wheels are finally straight enough ( .020" max run out) to bead blast, paint and mount the 3.25 X 22 M&H tires on. I don't know if I am going to be able to save the back wheels or not. I may get others and tig weld them instead of mig. I don't trust the mig completely and have a tendency to run them hot. Even the short factory mig welds pull the rims. Maybe stitch mig weld would be better. I may try to have the back ones made but I may have trouble finding a custom made 15X4 rim with 4" plus back space that will get the brake assembly out of the breeze.

I bought a new 1300 Hyabusa throttle body unit on E-bay. I'm going to try to use it on the Saturn when I modify it.

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